A conversation with the workers of the occupied RR Donnelly factory in Argentina

This event has already happened.

Friday, June 19th 2015
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
When the giant, Chicago-based multinational printing company RR Donnelly decided that it'd make financial sense to have its Argentinian subsidiary declare bankruptcy and shut down its factory, they didn't have any plan for the workers who would lose their jobs.  So the workers came up with one of their own: occupy, resist, produce!  Since August of last year, the workers of the RR Donnelly plant have been self-managing their own operations in the occupied factory as a worker cooperative, transforming social and gender relations in the workplace and putting the factories printing presses into the service of the movement.  Join us for a discussion of the background of the struggle at RR Donnelly and a special skype conversation with the workers in Argentina. 
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Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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