Affordable and Resilient Solar in Baltimore

Affordable and Resilient Solar in Baltimore

Sunday, March 9th 2025
11:00 am
Free School Classroom
How can we make solar affordable and resilient? Living Energy Farm shares its lessons from Puerto Rico and beyond, empowering housing organizations, land trusts, and community members to move towards low-cost off-grid solar — as part of a sustainable housing future.

There's a problem with solar: if you're tied to the grid and the grid goes out, you lose power too.

But batteries are too expensive for many communities. And if they need replacement ahead of schedule, they may be impossible to replace.

Living Energy Farm, a non-profit in Virginia, has learned these lessons working first-hand with communities in the Caribbean after hurricanes and in rural parts of the U.S. — while developing solutions to make renewables more affordable and resilient, as featured in Max Ajl's A People's Green New Deal and Low Tech Magazine.

As Baltimore looks towards sustainable transitions, Living Energy Farms is sharing its lessons to empower housing organizations, land trusts, co-ops, and community members to move towards low-cost off-grid solar — as part of a sustainable housing future.

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Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

Get in touch


Phone: (410) 601-3072

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