Anarchism & Marxism at the crossroads: A chat with Alex Prichard

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Wednesday, March 9th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
What is the the potential for, and what are the limitations facing anarchists and Marxists who want to work together for a common cause today. With Bernie Sanders' adoption of the Democratic Socialist label, there has been some fudging of the distinctions between democrats and socialists, and some confusion about whether socialists were democrats (and vice versa) in the first place or not. But there has also, with the rise of "libertarian socialism", been some greying of the distinctions between anarchists and marxists. So what do these labels mean, if anything today? Where do the boundaries lie? UK based scholar Alex Pritchard will briefly set out some of the main distinctions between these groups, historically as well as conceptually as a way into thinking with more precision about how anarchism (the most radical democratic socialist project), and Marxism (the most radical socialist economic project), can be linked today to guarantee a viable future for the left. With an eye on a future publication on links between these two camps in existing social movements, he's really keen to hear about your experiences in relation to this subject. Come along! 

Alex Prichard is a UK-based academic who works mainly on international politics and anarchist political theory. He has recently edited a special issue of the leading Marxist journal Capital & Class on the intersections between anarchism and Marxism. This is available freely on on line here: Alex's profile and publications can be found here:

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