Automating Inequality with Virginia Eubanks

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Thursday, January 25th 2018
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Today, automated systems control which neighborhoods get policed, which families attain needed resources, and who is investigated for fraud. While we all live under this new regime of data analytics, the most invasive and punitive systems are aimed at the poor. In Automating Inequality, Virginia Eubanks systematically investigates the impacts of data mining, policy algorithms, and predictive risk models on poor and working-class people in America. Join the author for a night of heart wrenching, eye opening, but ultimately inspiring stories of the "digital poorhouse" -- from a woman in Indiana whose public assistance benefits are automatically terminated as she lays dying to a family in Pennsylvania in daily fear of losing their daughter because they fit a certain statistical profile. “This book is downright scary,” says Naomi Klein, "but with its striking research and moving, indelible portraits ... you will emerge smarter and more empowered to demand justice.”
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Baltimore, MD

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