Baltimore Science Slam

This event has already happened.

Sunday, November 5th 2017
3:00 pm
Red Emma's
Join us for our 4th installment of an evening of intriguing and diverse science topics! This time at Red Emma's! Project Bridge and BUGSS will host 6 local scientists (gradstudents, postdocs, citizen scientists, etc) to present their work/passion in 5 minutes. Prizes are given to the talks that are most creative and best communicated! This is a great way to connect with others, learn diverse topics of science going on right here in Baltimore, gain communication skills and experience, enhance chances of collaboration and emerging projects and ideas! Join us and bring your friends for a fun night don't miss out on this exciting science filled evening at BUGSS! 

Please contact if you'd like a chance to present or know someone who might.

See all upcoming events

Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

Get in touch


Phone: (410) 601-3072

If you'd like to propose an event, please fill out this form. If you have questions, email us at

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