Between Ghosts, Alain Ginsberg, and more!
This event has already happened.
Friday, December 9th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Join us for an evening of short readings exploring trauma, gender identity, and more!Between Ghosts is a collaboration between Reno Dakota [] (NM Esc) and SJ Lee. Based on a series of letters, phone calls, and telepathic correspondences, Between Ghosts uses ghostliness as a cypher for dissociation, loneliness, impermanence, the slippage between past and present, and the way people and places are haunted by trauma. Between Ghosts was published last year on Mess Editions, an Oakland-based small press and imprint of Chaos Queerz. Alain Ginsberg [] is an agender writer and performer from Baltimore City, MD whose work focuses on narratives of gender identity, sexuality, and mental health and the ways in which trauma informs, skews, and builds onto those stories. They are a 2016 Texas Grand Slam semi-finalist, 2016 Write Bloody finalist, and 2015 and 2016 Capturing Fire finalist. Alain's work has been featured or is forthcoming from Dead King Magazine, Public Pool, Crab Fat Magazine, and elsewhere. Outside of writing they are found selling spirits and potions behind the bar of your favorite (or least favorite) cavern.
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Joy Anjelica is a junior, psychology major at Morgan State University. She is a founder of the Morgan State University Poetry Club, one of 2 Youth Poetry Ambassadors for Baltimore City for 2016 and an alumni of the Baltimore City Youth Poetry Team performing on final stage of the Brave New Voices international Competition. She has performed on numerous stages, such as the Arc Theater, as well as performed at the Kennedy center for its One Mic Youth festival and has featured at the iconic Bus Boys and Poets. She is also a poetry mentor and teaching artist for Dew More Baltimore, a non profit organization dedicated to bringing social justice poetry clubs to the inner city communities of Baltimore
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