Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter?

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Wednesday, June 7th 2017
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Do we need male and female signs on bathroom doors? Should schools, businesses, and non-profits ask us to check gender boxes on bureaucratic forms? Join us as we welcome Heath Fogg Davis to help us answer these questions and more as he presents his new book, Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter?

Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? provides practical strategies to help organizations of all kinds and sizes design and implement gender policies that are both trans-inclusive and institutionally smart. Heath Fogg Davis offers an impassioned call to rethink the usefulness of dividing the world into not just male and female categories but even additional categories of transgender and gender fluid. Davis, himself a transgender man, explores the underlying gender-enforcing policies and customs in American life that have led to transgender bathroom bills, college admissions controversies, and more, arguing that it is necessary for our society to take real steps to challenge the assumption that gender matters.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
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