Black Freak Mosh Heaven | Ron Kipling Williams

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Wednesday, June 29th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Black Freak Mosh Heaven is a poetic autobiography about a black youth who rocks and rolls to his own beat and is forced to battle racism, stereotypes and ignorance. It is a thought-provoking tale of a man who struggles against society's intolerance and fights to create a world of acceptance. It is a literal companion to his autobiographical one man show, Dreadlocks, Rock 'n Roll & Human Rights.Ron weaves poetry and memoir about his life as an awkward black youth living in middle class Washington, DC; his tumultuous familial relationships; his passion for rock and roll and his subsequent foray into the alternative and punk scene; his conflicts between his role within the race and class system and his staunch resistance to it; and his emergence as a free thinking human in a hegemonic society.

Ron Kipling Williams uses art, media, performance, activism, education and mentoring to break down walls, facilitate open and honest conversations, and build community. He won a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award, a Baltimore City African American Male Unsung Hero Award, and a United Workers Human Rights Champion award. Ron is a recent graduate of the MFA program in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts from the University of Baltimore. He has been a proud friend and comrade of Red Emma’s since 2006.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Phone: (410) 601-3072

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