Black Prometheus: Race, Materialism, and the future of Atlantic Radicalism

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Thursday, January 19th 2017
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Come join a conversation among Johns Hopkins colleagues about race, materialist critique, and the history and future of Atlantic radicalism in acknowledgment of the publication of Black Prometheus: Race and Radicalism in the Age of Atlantic Slavery (Oxford University Press, 2016). The author, Jared Hickman (Associate Professor of English), together with Nathan Connolly (Herbert Baxter Adams Associate Professor of History), Jeanne-Marie Jackson (Assistant Professor of English), Shani Mott (Instructor and Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies, Center for Africana Studies), and Hollis Robbins (Director of the Center for Africana Studies), will address questions such as: What exactly is the "material" in materialist critique, and how have the Eurocentric and secularist biases of the Marxist tradition skewed that project in particular directions? What are our options for thinking the materiality of race in the wake of the takedown of biological racism? To what extent must the materialist thinking of race ultimately subtend class-focused Marxist political economy, or might there be a more fundamental project of critique, foregrounding race, that Marxist political economy subtends? On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration and amid right-nationalist upsurges throughout the world, how do these questions and their answers bear on our current political moment?
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Baltimore, MD

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