Bry Reed presents "Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies"

Bry Reed presents "Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies"

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Friday, October 13th 2023
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies is a collection that explores contemporary radical thinking about everything from Stonewall to the anti-Black, classist violence "essential workers" faced during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an experimental session with S. Ireti, Bry Reed - one of the collection's editors - will support attendees in using the strategies detailed in the text to understand Baltimore's past, present, and future. Come ready to think, talk, and strategize for our collective abolitionist future.

More about the book: Beset by a new pandemic, fanning the flames of global uprising, these queers cast off progressive narratives of liberal hope while building mutual networks of rebellion and care. These essays propose a militant strategy of queer survival in an ever-precarious future. Starting from a position of abolition—of prisons, police, the State, identity, and racist cisheteronormative society—this collection refuses the bribes of inclusion in a system built on our expendability. Though the mainstream media saturates us with the boring norms of queer representation (with a recent focus on trans visibility), the writers in this book ditch false hope to imagine collective visions of liberation that tell different stories, build alternate worlds, and refuse the legacies of racial capitalism, anti-Blackness, and settler colonialism. The work curated in this book spans Black queer life in the time of COVID-19 and uprising, assimilation and pinkwashing settler colonial projects, subversive and deviant forms of representation, building anarchist trans/queer infrastructures, and more. Contributors include Che Gossett, Yasmin Nair, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Adrian Shanker, Kitty Stryker, Toshio Meronek, and more.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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