Cavar presents "Failure to Comply" in conversation w/ nat raum

Cavar presents "Failure to Comply" in conversation w/ nat raum

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Wednesday, August 14th 2024
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
An abolitionist text concerned with trans, disabled, and Mad liberation as a speculative art.

Every story has its fugitives. “I,” a deviant self-hacker with three arms, two stomachs, and no name, is on the run from RSCH, a high-tech, authoritarian government that mandates wellness and carves the contours of truth itself. When I is kidnapped at axe-point to be mined for forbidden memories, they must struggle against RSCH’s medical abuse to recapture their history, reunite with their lover, and rewrite their future—or risk remaining Patient forever.

I crosses an epistolary, time-flipped dreamscape as they recollect their memories from RSCH’s hungry archive, and, in the process, write the story of their liberation.

[sarah] Cavar is an anti-genre writer, PhD candidate, and instructor of undergraduates on both u.s. coasts. They are the author of Failure to Comply (featherproof books, 2024). Cavar edits manywor(l), and has had work published in The Offing, Split Lip Magazine, Nat. Brut, Electric Lit, and elsewhere. More at,, and @cavarsarah on twitter.

nat raum (b. 1996) is a queer disabled artist and writer based on unceded Piscataway and Susquehannock land in Baltimore. They hold a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and an MFA from the University of Baltimore. They are the editor-in-chief of fifth wheel press and the author of this book will not save youthe abyss is staring backrandom access memory, and several others. Find them online at

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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