Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work with Katie Hail-Jares

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Tuesday, September 19th 2017
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Katie Hail-Jares is the editor of the recently released "Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work." As a student, Katie spent six years volunteering with the mobile syringe exchange and harm reduction service, HIPS, in Washington, DC. Those experiences inspired her bring together researchers, sex workers, and others whose lives are involved in the policing and regulation of sexual exchange in conversation on the gap between academia and reality. At Red Emma's, Katie will talk about her experiences getting the volume published, challenges she faced along the way, and her own research into how gentrifiers respond to sex work, and what to do to improve those relationships. Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work is a new volume from Temple University Press. The volume brings sex workers, public defenders, police and researchers together  to challenge the normal research topics on sex work and instead discuss topics such as media representation of SBSW during an age of anti-trafficking, motherhood and abortion, international aid, trans rights, gentrification, and the legality of solicitation statutes.

Katie Hail-Jares is a post-doctoral researcher at Griffith Criminology Institute in South East Queensland, and national board member of the Sex Workers' Outreach Project. Her research has appeared in PLOS-ONE, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependency, Iowa Law Review, and other journals.  Corey C. Shdaimah is Associate Professor and Academic Coordinator of the dual degree MSW/JD program at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. She is the author or co-author of several books, including Change Research: A Case Study of Collaborative Methods for Social Workers and Advocates.  Chrysanthi S. Leon is Associate Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice, Women & Gender Studies, and Legal Studies at the University of Delaware. She is the author of Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles: Understanding Sex Crime Policy in America.

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