Dan Berger presents Captive Nation.

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Friday, November 13th 2015
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Update: due to a scheduling mishap, Eddie Conway and Dominque Stevenson will not be able to make the event. Police brutality is the most visible form of state violence in the US today. But it is bolstered by the world’s biggest prison system. Police militarization and prison expansion accelerated in response to a previous generation of radical activism. Yet police and prisons have always been central fronts of struggle against racism and violence. What can today’s movements learn from the history of prison activism? Join social movement historian Dan Berger for a discussion about prisoner organizing, state violence, and radical movements from the 1960s to the present. Berger is the author of two new books, “Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era” and “The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States.” Dan Berger’s most recent books are Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era and The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States. He is an assistant professor of comparative ethnic studies at the University of Washington Bothell and a co-founder of Decarcerate PA.
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Baltimore, MD

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