David Roediger presents Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All

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Saturday, March 14th 2015
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
How did America recover after its years of civil war? How did freed men and women, former slaves, respond to their newly won freedom? Red Emma's is honored to welcome preeminent historian David Roediger, whose new book redefines the idea of freedom after the jubilee, using fresh sources and texts to build on the leading historical accounts of Emancipation and Reconstruction.

Roediger's work has long been of central importance to Red Emma's, and to anyone interested and invested in a radical critique of whiteness. With books such as How Race Survived US History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon; and The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, Roediger has driven forward the field of critical race studies, and pushed us all to question our own roles - whether implicit or explicit - in producing and prolonging a culture of racial injustice.

In Seizing Freedom​, Roediger turns his eye toward the narrative of Emancipation, reinstating ex-slaves’ own “freedom dreams” in constructing these histories, and unfolding a masterful account of the emancipation and its ramifications on a whole host of day-to-day concerns for Whites and Blacks alike, such as property relations, gender roles, and labor.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Email: info@redemmas.org

Phone: (410) 601-3072

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