Educating for Insurgency book release | Back to School Nights @Red Emmas

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Wednesday, September 17th 2014
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
The Baltimore Algebra Project has been one of the most important radical organizing bodies in Baltimore's recent history. Jay Gillen, their primary adult mentor, has just released this dynamite book through AK Press, sharing with the world the lessons these young people have taught him about what it means to be an educator in times that clearly call for rebellion. The event will also be a fundraiser for the Baltimore Algebra Project, though there is no entrance fee to this or any other public event at Red Emmas.

A manifesto for today’s broken schools.

Desegregation has failed. Schools filled with black and brown students have become plantations of social control, where the policing of behavior trumps the expanding of minds. Radical teachers and organizers in American public schools must help young people fashion an insurgency. That means, at the very least, seeing each student’s rebellion not as violation, but as communication.

Jay Gillen writes with passion and compassion about the daily lives of poor students trapped in institutions that dismiss and degrade them. In the spirit of Paulo Freire, and using the historical models of slave rebellions and Civil Rights struggles as guides, Gillen explains what sort of insurgency is needed and how to create it: the tools and techniques required to build social, intellectual, and political power.

This poetic manifesto of revolutionary “educational reform” belongs in the pocket of anyone who currently works in, suffers through, or simply cares about public schooling in this country.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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