Energy Justice Network Presents on the Dangers of the Baltimore Incinerator

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Wednesday, February 17th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
 Do you know the white tower with ‘Baltimore’ written on the side? Did you know it’s the largest polluter in Baltimore City? That’s the Wheelabrator Incinerator. In operation since 1985, this facility has burned tens of millions of tons of waste from Baltimore City and beyond, blasting tons of toxins into the air, and contributing to the high rates of asthma and heart disease from which the city suffers. Located in the Westport community, the incinerator also is another example of environmental racism, as the majority of the population is African American. And right now, Baltimore City wants to keep the site around for at least 20 more years!  Environmental Justice Network is leading the cause to end the city’s relationship with Wheelabrator, engaging and organizing Baltimore residents with insight on how damaging the incinerator is, the amount of money spent to burn annually, and how it incentivizes the city not to recycle. EJN is promoting zero waste practices as the solution to incineration, which would diminish pollution and create greatly needed job opportunities for Baltimore residents.
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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Phone: (410) 601-3072

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