Film Screening - Groundswell Rising: Protecting our Children's Air & Water

This event has already happened.

Tuesday, July 21st 2015
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
In neighboring states and across the nation, evidence is mounting that drilling and fracking for natural gas leads to polluted air and water, serious health problems, earthquakes and economic losses for local communities. Citing significant risks and unknown long-term health effects, New York state recently banned fracking.  In Maryland, a growing grassroots movement has kept fracking at bay — for now. In the 2015 Maryland General Assembly, CCAN worked with over 100 groups in the Don’t Frack Maryland Coalition to put a 2.5 year moratorium on fracking. Thanks to thousands of email and calls, lobby, meetings, actions and more, Governor Larry Hogan let HB 449 become law on May 29th, 2015. This bill puts a hold on drilling in Maryland until October 2017.  

The purpose of this film screening is to educate members of the Baltimore community about not only what fracking is but how the grassroots movement behind it has changed the conversation regarding natural gas drilling. This is especially important as we are pushing to pass a resolution through the Baltimore City Council supporting a statewide ban on fracking. Although no natural gas shale is currently under Baltimore, the city's water supplies are jeopardized by any drilling in the state. Fracking also poses tremendous threats to Maryland's economy and environment, as the risky drilling method can result in irreversible groundwater contamination. 

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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