Hollaback! presents: After #MeToo - What You Can Do

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Sunday, December 3rd 2017
10:30 am
Free School Classroom
Have you been seeing #metoo in your feed lately? Are you a man/masculine person who is starting to understand just how pervasive harassment and violence towards women and femmes really is? Are you tired of being silent? Do you want to use your voice to help stop the harassment and violence towards others? Welcome.It's time for men to step up. You can no longer say you are a "good guy" because you don't harass. We need you to take action, talk to other men, organize, and advocate. Hollaback! Baltimore is looking to start a "men's caucus" that is held accountable by our leaders, but puts in the effort to organize and SHOW UP on their own. We need leaders, we need passion, we need partners. We cannot end gender-based violence without you.Meet us at Red Emma’s in the Free School room to talk about the next steps. Invite your friends. Let them know this is important to YOU (not your girlfriend/wife/daughter/sister/mother). You will learn some basic bystander tips if you stay the entire time, too!

Hollaback! Baltimore is a program of Fusion Partnerships. Red Emma’s is wheelchair accessible.Anyone of any gender identity or sexual orientation can experience harassment, violence, or rape, just as anyone can be a perpatrator. But statistically, men are the common denominator when it comes to sexual harassment and violence. We need anyone who moves around in the world and is seen as male to help us in this fight.

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Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

Get in touch

Email: info@redemmas.org

Phone: (410) 601-3072

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