Home Movie Day: Baltimore

This event has already happened.

Saturday, October 15th 2016
8:00 pm
“There’s no such thing as a bad home movie...an orgy of self-discovery, a chance for family memories to suddenly become show business. If you’ve got one, whip it out and show it now.” — John WatersBaltimore: come see yourself on the big screen! Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking held annually worldwide. You can see and share your own home movies with the Baltimore community, and see your neighbors’ in turn. It’s a chance to discover why to care about these films and to learn how best to care for them.

Submit your home movies by Friday, October 7 to be considered for the screening on October 15. Home movies will be inspected by professional archivists during the selection process. Movie owners will be notified by October 10 whether or not their films will be screened at the event.  Home movies should not exceed 10 minutes. Anything deemed inappropriate for a family audience will not be screened during the celebration. Film that is too degraded or damaged also cannot be shown.ACCEPTED FORMATS: 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, VHS, Hi8/Video8, and the following digital formats: either Quicktime (.mov) or MP4 (.mp4) H.264 videos. 2640 Space (2640 St Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21218)DROP OFF LOCATION—BEFORE OCT. 7: Johns Hopkins at Mt. Washington ℅ Tim Wisniewski, 5801 Smith Ave. Suite 235.  Baltimore, MD. 21209.  Drop off home movies in person between 10am and 5pm.  Please include your name, email or phone number, and any information you have about the film(s).  Digital submissions and questions may be emailed to: timothy.wisniewski@gmail.com

See all upcoming events

Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

Get in touch

Email: info@redemmas.org

Phone: (410) 601-3072

If you'd like to propose an event, please fill out this form. If you have questions, email us at events@redemmas.org.

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