Honoring Ella Baker on the Anniversary of Her Birth and Death with BRJA

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Sunday, December 13th 2015
10:30 am
Red Emma's
Join Red Emma's and Baltimore Racial Justice Action in celebrating Ella Baker during brunch! Ella Baker was born on December 13, 1903 and died on December 13, 1986. She played a key role in some of the most influential organizations of her time, including the NAACP, SCLC and SNCC. "In order for us as poor and oppressed people to become a part of a society that is meaningful, the system under which we now exist has to be radically changed. It means facing a system that does not lend itself to your needs and devising means by which you can change that system. That is easier said than done," she said, and then she worked to do it. We stand now on her shoulders and others who came before us to work for equity. Drop in between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm for brunch as we honor the foundation she and others have built for us. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. Coloring sheets and crayons will be provided.
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Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Email: info@redemmas.org

Phone: (410) 601-3072

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