Jesse Nissim, Brenda Serpick & Kimberly Alidio Present Their Poetry
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Sunday, August 7th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Please join us for an exciting evening of poetry from two Baltimore born and raised poets—Kimberly Alidio and Jesse Nissim—and the Los Angeles born, Baltimore-based poet—Brenda Serpick. Alidio, Nissim, and Serpick will share work from their recently-released books and those currently in-process, featuring innovative approaches to language and form, and themes that include cultural and political erasure, the meaning of shelter and refuge, and various histories of oppression, trauma and loss. Kimberly Alidio wrote After projects the resound (Black Radish, 2016) and solitude being alien (dancing girl press, 2013). She held residencies at the Center for Art and Thought, Kundiman and VONA, and fellowships at the University of Illinois’s Asian American Studies Program and Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program. She is a high-school history teacher and tenure-track dropout born in West Baltimore, raised in Baltimore County and living in East Austin. Jesse Nissim is the author of Day cracks between the bones of the foot (Furniture Press Books), Where They Would Never Be Invited (Black Radish Books), and several chapbooks. Her work has appeared in Barrow Street, Handsome, H-NGM-N, HTML Giant, Many Mountains Moving, New American Writing, La Petite Zine, Really System, Requited, Shampoo, Sixth Finch, Spoon River Poetry Review and others. She has received grants from the Ragdale Foundation and the Constance Saltonstall Foundation. Born and raised in Baltimore County, Jesse now lives and teaches in Syracuse, New York. Brenda Serpick is a poet and teacher for Baltimore City Public Schools. She received an MFA in poetry from The New School and is the author of two chapbooks: No Sequence But Luck (3 Sad Tigers Press) and The Female Skeleton Makes Her Debut (Hophophop Press). In addition to participating in Tupelo Press’ 30/30 Project (July 2016), her poems are forthcoming or have appeared in Free State Review, eccolinguistics, Printer’s Devil Review, Spiral Orb, LIT, Lungfull! Magazine, and Boog City – among other fine journals.
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