Jordannah Elizabeth Presents Her Collected Works - "Don't Lose Track"

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Thursday, February 11th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Jordannah Elizabeth is a musician, entertainment journalist, author, model and the founder of ​the literary nonprofit, Publik / Private   Jordannah currently works as an arts and culture journalist and editor, and contributes to a plethora of reputable websites and print publications. Jordannah’s passion for music, fashion and culture is unprecedented, and her wide range of knowledge of indie, psych rock, hip hop and experimental rock makes her a sought after insider in the music industry.  Elizabeth is also a civil rights and feminist writer who often offers commentary on racial and gender issues in America. She has interviewed notable writers and musicians such as Talib Kweli, Saul Williams and Ishmael Butler of Shabazz Palaces for SF Weekly, covering topics of race, class and cultural appropriation.   Her work has appeared on VICE,, SF Weekly, MTV Iggy, ​Bitch Magazine, ​ Ms. Magazine and more.
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Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
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