KOKUMO: Reacquainted With Life

This event has already happened.

Saturday, April 15th 2017
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
KOKUMỌ's poetry, is what happens when survivors spit sperm and other bodily excretions in the face of those who abuse them. KOKUMỌ's poetry, is what happens when Aunt Jemima becomes Rambo. KOKUMỌ's poetry, is what happens when the piece of shit you stepped in, corporealizes then knocks you the fuck out. And no! Resilience, has never sounded sexier.

KOKUMO has been nominated for a Lambda Award, and to celebrate she is touring the east coast, and reading with sensational queer/trans/poc/feminist authors from Baltimore to Boston. Come and get Reacquainted With Life with poets KOKUMO, Tyler Vile, Janea Kelly, and Jamie Grace Alexander!

See all upcoming events

Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Email: info@redemmas.org

Phone: (410) 601-3072

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