Lorraine Monteagut presents "Brujas"

Lorraine Monteagut presents "Brujas"

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Thursday, May 25th 2023
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
Brujas follows a growing subculture of younger witches led by Afro-Latinx immigrants and indigenous Americans who are taking up the label to reconnect to their spiritual roots, practice healing arts, and express their politics

Witchcraft has made a comeback in popular culture, especially among feminists, and there is a new kind of witch emerging in our cultural consciousness: the brujaBrujas chronicles the magical lives of these practitioners as they extend their personal rituals to larger self-care and activist movements and use their services to empower young people of color. The bruja represents the new “witch” of the United States, a practitioner who melds ancient tradition with new technologies and mirrors the diversity and activist spirit of today’s youth. Brujas reminds us that witchcraft is more than a trend—it’s a movement.

Brujas follows this movement from its historical practices to its current manifestations. Through profiles of bruja practitioners who make their living offering magical products and services, author Monteagut examines the conflicts that have arisen as spiritual traditions are appropriated and commodified. Brujas also delves into the historical practices from which brujas borrow to provide readers with information and resources to begin their own spiritual practices and businesses. Above all, the bruja movement is about empowering people to find the healing magic in their own lives and to imagine a happier and healthier world.

Lorraine Monteagut, PhD, is a writer, astrologer, and all around green witch. The daughter of Cuban-Colombian immigrants, she studies bruja feminism and the reclamation of ancestral healing traditions. Her first book, Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color, explores the ways that descendants of the indigenous Americas and the Latinx/Afro-Caribbean diaspora are breathing new life into historically stigmatized spiritual practices. Lorraine resides in St. Pete, Florida, and on her free time, she enjoys growing plants, beekeeping, long-distance hiking, and listening to podcasts about 90s movies and tv shows—especially her favorite, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is currently working on a short story collection inspired by occult folklore of the global south.

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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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