Presentation on ZAD: A Radical Land Reclimation Project in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France

This event has already happened.

Friday, January 15th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
The ZAD is a large scale land occupation near Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France. It was squatted in 2009 at the invitation of local citizen and farming associations, who had been resisting the imposition of an airport, highway, high speed train, and tram line since 1972. Since then, the anti-airport movement has depassed traditional limitations of "issue-based struggles" with a strong critique of capitalist and hierarchical systems (including and especially the State), and links and shared projects with a wide diversity of people, to the point where the divisions between squatter, farmer, punk, local... have become blurred.  After a massive police operation in 2012, "Operation Cesar", this zone of 8 miles square has been free of State intervention, and has become known as a "zone outside the law". We have (re)created our own infrastructures and are autonomous in many ways. Some things work less well, like conflict resolution, but overall the occupation is settled into the territory and is planning for the long term, together with the "locals" and "farmers" involved in the struggle and those living close by.
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