Racism, Prisons, and Empire: What Democrats and Republicans Have in Common

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Tuesday, April 23rd 2019
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
Despite clear (and important!) differences, as well as notable exceptions, the bulk of our two party system is in profound agreement on maintaining a racialized status quo, a carceral state, and American imperialism. Democrats and Republicans largely share a bipartisan commitment to the military-industrial complex and US empire. Together, they inspired and shaped the bipartisan commitment to mass incarceration. Conservatives and liberals have shared a commitment to markets and private property that has allowed and fostered persistent racial segregation and inequality—even in the absence of any formal or explicit codification of that inequality, except as guided by longstanding ideologies of paternalism. Jumping off from the new book Shaped by the State, this panel will explore the deep affinities for warmaking, racism, and incarceration at the heart of official US politics, and chart a course towards alternatives.With:Brent Cebul N. D. B. Connolly Stuart Schrader Christy Thornton 
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Baltimore, MD

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