Resisting LNG Exports. A Presentation by SEED with We are Cove Point, Calvert Citizens for a Healthy Community, Beyond Extreme Energy and more

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Thursday, February 18th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
Dominion Resources is constructing a dangerous liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility in Southern Maryland. This LNG terminal would export to India and Japan natural gas that is produced by fracking in the Marcellus Shale and transported by several pipelines that are being resisted across the mid-Atlantic. Along with worsening the major health risks to communities and environmental destruction caused by the fracking industry, Dominion Cove Point poses a catastrophic heath and safety threat to the rural community living on and around the beautiful Cove Point peninsula on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. The fight to stop this project is on!SEED (Stopping Extraction and Exports Destruction) is a direct-action-based group from the mid-Atlantic created to work against energy projects that are harming residents in the region. This includes mountaintop removal, coal exports, fracking, compressor stations, gas pipelines and the under-construction Dominion Cove Point LNG export terminal. Since its inception in 2014, SEED has been working with other groups and community members in Lusby, Maryland where Cove Point meets the Bay, to help protect the welfare of Calvert County residents impacted by this terminal and to do what it can to make sure the project is never completed.Join members of SEED, We Are Cove Point, Calvert Citizens for a Healthy Community, Beyond Extreme Energy, friends living along the Marcellus Shale, and other organizations resisting fracked gas infrastructure for a presentation and discussion. This evening will be a great opportunity to learn more about the potential first LNG export facility on the East Coast and how we can stop it! Activists will share information about our ongoing work taking action to shut down Dominion's plans for Cove Point and how folks can plug in moving forward, including an upcoming education and action camp, Cove Point Spring BreakFor more information, visit by Pia Ward
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Baltimore, MD

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