Revolution in the Air: Radicalism from 1968 to 2018

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Tuesday, May 8th 2018
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
The sixties were a time when radical movements learned to embrace twentieth-century Marxism; in 1968, protests against capitalism, racism, and imperialism erupted around the world. Fifty years later, Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air, discusses what the resistance of today can learn from the legacies of Lenin, Mao and Che.Taking issue with the idea of a division between an early “good sixties” and a later “bad sixties,” Max Elbaum is particularly concerned to reclaim the lessons of the new communist movement for today’s activists who, like their sixties’ predecessors, are coming of age at a time when the Left lacks mass support and is fragmented along racial lines.

Max Elbaum has been involved in peace and anti-racist movements since joining students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in Madison, Wisconsin in the 1960s. Through the 1970s and 1980s he participated in campaigns defending affirmative action and opposing U.S. military interventions in the Third World while writing extensively for the radical press and taking part in then-widespread efforts to construct a new U.S. revolutionary political party. In the 1990s, he was the editor of CrossRoads, a magazine featuring dialogue and debate among socialists and radicals from different left political traditions.

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