Ron Cassie Presents “If You Love Baltimore, It Will Love You Back: 171 Short, But True Stories”

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Friday, October 16th 2020
5:00 pm
Presented as part of Doors Open Baltimore 2020 Arts & Culture Week Join Red Emma's, the Baltimore Architecture Foundation, and Baltimore City Historical Society for a special presentation by author Ron Cassie on his new book If You Love Baltimore, It Will Love You Back: 171 Short, But True Stories. Baltimore senior editor Ron Cassie has garnered national awards for his coverage of the death of Freddie Gray, sea-level rise on the Eastern Shore, and the opioid epidemic in Hagerstown. This collection of short stories, culled from a decade spent roaming around Charm City with a notebook in his back pocket, is different, however. They are of the kind of wide-ranging city writing and literary journalism that speaks directly to the fabric of a place. There are encounters with former Rep. Elijah Cummings, former Senator Barbara Mikulski, and Orioles Hall-of-Famer Jim Palmer. But more often, these stories revolve around people few Baltimoreans have heard of—a blind police detective, old Jewish boxers, a flower shop owner, the city native who created the statue of Billie Holiday in Upton. Each story makes the picture of Baltimore and its work-a-day inhabitants—gritty, resilient, quirky—clearer and more complex at the same time.
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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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