Ryan Grim presents "We’ve Got People: From Jesse Jackson to AOC, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a Movement"

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Saturday, November 2nd 2019
3:00 pm
The Radical Bookfair Pavilion at the Baltimore Book Festival
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may seem like she came from nowhere, but the movement that propelled her to office – and to global political stardom – has been building for 30 years. We’ve Got People is the story of that movement, which first exploded into public view with the largely forgotten presidential run of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a campaign that came dangerously close to winning. With the party and the nation at a crossroads, this timely and original book offers new insight into how we’ve gotten where we are – and where we're headed.

Ryan Grim is The Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief.He was previously the Washington bureau chief for HuffPost, where he led a team that was twice a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and won once. He edited and contributed reporting to groundbreaking investigative project on heroin treatment that not only changed federal and state laws, but shifted the culture of the recovery industry. The story, by Jason Cherkis, was a Pulitzer finalist and won a Polk Award.He grew up in rural Maryland. He has been a staff reporter for Politico and the Washington City Paper and is a former contributor to MSNBC, and is a contributor to the Young Turks Network

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Baltimore, MD

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