Shane Burley and Daryle Lamont Jenkins present "¡No Pasarán! Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis" in conversation w/Christa Daring

Shane Burley and Daryle Lamont Jenkins present "¡No Pasarán! Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis" in conversation w/Christa Daring

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Thursday, January 26th 2023
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
¡No Pasarán! is an anthology of antifascist writing that takes up the fight against white supremacy and the far-right from multiple angles. From the history of antifascism to today's movement to identify, deplatform, and confront the right, and the ways an insurgent fascism is growing within capitalist democracies, a myriad of voices come together to shape the new face of antifascism in a moment of social and political flux.

"Academics and pundits have made careers out of debating the definition of fascism. We are deluged with books, each bearing its own definitions, prognoses, caveats, and warnings, only to be bumped off the bestseller list by the next self-proclaimed fascism expert. ¡No Pasarán! is not that book. These writer-activists understand fascism to be a many-headed hydra that defies typologies and strongman tropes and can only be apprehended in the dialectic of resistance. Antifascism is not an exercise in abstract thinking but an active, collective struggle for a new world. This book will get dog-eared and dirty, but not by gathering dust." Robin D. G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination

"Shane Burley's multifaceted compendium of writings on antifascist resistance and the far right considerably advances the breadth of resources available to researchers and activists. Drawing on many of the leading voices at the cutting edge of antifascist theory and scholarship, ¡No Pasarán! skewers the popular one-dimensional interpretation of antifascism to reveal how our struggle must challenge all forms of oppression if we are to ever truly build a world free from fascism." —Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook 

Shane Burley, editor of ¡No Pasarán!, is a writer and filmmaker based in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of Why We Fight: Essays on Fascism, Resistance, and Surviving the Apocalypse (AK Press, 2021) and Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It (AK Press, 2017). His work is featured at places such as NBC News, The Daily Beast, The Independent, Jacobin, Al Jazeera, Haaretz, Tikkun, The Baffler, Bandcamp Daily, Truthout, and the Oregon Historical Quarterly.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, a contributor to ¡No Pasarán!, is the founder and executive director of One People’s Project (OPP), a Philadelphia-based anti-hate organization that researches, monitors, and reports on right wing groups and individuals that seek to polarize communities. Founded in 2000 and working under the motto “Hate has consequences,” OPP has become a go-to resource on such matters and has been instrumental in the fight against hate. Jenkins has appeared on A Current Affair, the Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, AMJoy with Joy Reid, ABC’s 20/20 and in countless newspaper and magazine articles as well as documentaries focusing on antifa’s fight against the so-called “alt-right.”

Christa Daring, born and raised in Baltimore, is the former Executive Director of SWOP-USA and current Executive Director of the Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy. They are the co-editor of Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire (AK Press, 2012) and are presently working on a novel about trans pregnancy. They are a former worker owner at Red Emma's, general queer about town, and new parent to a spectacular tiny human.

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