Slanguage Arts & Griot Glimpses: A Book Release

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Saturday, May 13th 2017
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
We're thrilled to host a book release event for one of our favorite local poets, the inimitable Slangston Hughes! Slanguage Arts & Griot Glimpses is both a chronicling of one individual’s growth as a writer over a 15 year period of poetic evolution. (2002-2017) It is also a record of some of this era’s most pressing sociopolitical issues and happenings as witnessed and responded to in arguably some of the most radical and profoundly truthful incantations ever written down via the medium of poetry in a manner where the political and personal merge. Slanguage Arts & Griot Glimpses is very much "a research guide for the soul.""This is by far the most important personal undertaking I have taken on as a writer. By far a life’s work of my lifework that is more than worth the tireless work that has gone in to it.” -Slangston HughesSlangston Hughes is a national slam champion based out of Baltimore, Maryland. He’s a decorated performer winning many competitions and awards across the country. Hughes also gives back to the community as the Director of Youth Poetry at Dew More Baltimore and lead coach of the world champion Baltimore City Youth Poetry Team. Slangston Hughes was the first ever Word War grand slam champion in 2008 (Baltimore) and the 2010 Baltimore Crown Awards "Poet of the Year" recipient. His work has been published in the Poets ‘ America anthology via the Kratz Creative Writing Center. Slangston’s published his first collaborative literary work “Writers’ Alchemy with prosaist Devlon E. Waddell as part of E.M.B.O.D.Y. In addition Slangston is the founder of Speak Out: Slammageddon.
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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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Phone: (410) 601-3072

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