Talking About Addiction: Youth, Addiction, and Juvenile Justice

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Wednesday, June 1st 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
OSI-Baltimore hosts the second event in its “Talking About Addiction” series, a discussion about adolescents and addiction with experts in the field, advocates, and families that have been affected by addiction problems.Much of the public, along with advocates, healthcare providers, and even many in law enforcement, have come around to the idea that the War on Drugs has been a failure and that addiction should be treated as a public health problem, not a criminal justice issue. But research and policy around young people and addiction has been slower to reach the mainstream. Our guests will include Evan Elkin (above left), executive director of Reclaiming Futures, a Portland, Oregon-based organization established to build, run and test a six-step model that promotes new standards of care and opportunities in juvenile justice, and Dr. Hoover Adger (above right), a professor in adolescent health at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.Elkin and Adger will be joined by families whose lives have been disrupted by adolescent addiction. Scott Nolen, director of OSI-Baltimore’s Drug Addiction Treatment program, will moderate the discussion.More info here:
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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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