Talking About Single Payer: Health Care Equality for America

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017
5:00 pm
Free School Classroom
Challenging the shower of criticism coming from all but one of the presidential candidates, a book just released by a Johns Hopkins transplant surgeon asserts that a Single Payer health care system will actually save most taxpayers money. In Talking About SINGLE PAYER: Health Equality for America, Dr. James F. Burdick, a frequent contributor of op-ed pieces on health care reform to the Baltimore Sun and former Director of the Division of Transplantation in the Department of Health and Human Services, details the opportunities for further savings in the present U.S. system, despite the improvements of Obamacare. Dr. Burdick maintains that "through controlling expenses that do not help patients, a single payer system will simplify our health care, improve the quality of care and provide savings far exceeding the cost of extending coverage to every American.” Dr. Burdick will present his new book, and discuss the possible paths forward to a single-payer system at the Baltimore Free School at Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse on April 26 at 5PM. 
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