The Bmore Clubhouse Meetup

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Thursday, November 16th 2017
4:00 pm
Free School Classroom
Join Bmore Clubhouse, an organization that provides a community for adults coping with mental illness, for an informal meetup in The Baltimore Free School! Come by to meet current members and learn more about Bmore Clubhouse.

The B'more Clubhouse is a non-profit organization that provides a community for adults coping with mental illness. As a non-clinical organization, the Clubhouse focuses on bridging the gap between patient-hood and personhood through meaningful relationships and purposeful work. Those who seek services at the Clubhouse are called "members" and membership is lifelong, no matter how long it's been since a person has attended the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse model is seen worldwide through the Clubhouse International organization and is proven to lower hospital re-entry regardless of it's non-clinical status. A significant portion of the work that is done at the Clubhouse is focused on creating employment partnerships with other organizations. Many adults with mental illness are in and out of hospitals and day programs after the onset of their mental illness and struggle to maintain employment due to the shock of integrating themselves back into society. The Clubhouse's Transitional Employment (TE) and Supported Employment (SE) programs strive to ease members back into the workforce by providing them with direct support from other members and Clubhouse staff. Most members that are hired into a TE or SE program experience increased confidence in their abilities and are more motivated to persevere through the struggles of keeping a job while living with a mental illness. The B'more Clubhouse is currently the only Clubhouse in Maryland, but is growing every day. Please help us spread the word about this unique and effective way to treat mental illness!

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Location and hours

3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

Get in touch


Phone: (410) 601-3072

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