The Fight for Ancestral Territory and Reparations: Honduran People's Movements Since 2009 Garifuna, Lenca, women and youth

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Saturday, August 27th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
After 2 long years of deliberations at the international level, African-descended people in Honduras, known as the Garifuna, have won a groundbreaking legal victory. In 2016, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled against the government in a landmark case that will lead to reparations and land returns for the Garifuna, of whom have suffered displacement, political violence, and repression by leaders of the Honduran state.Join us as public scholar Jeanette Charles shares firsthand accounts of how Garifuna movements envision and practice autonomy, these tactics ultimately having lead to the landmark case that ruled in their favor. How might we use the Garifuna experience to inform our own fight for economic and political liberation in the USA? What can we learn from their successes? What about the challenges?As part of an emerging program seeking to strengthen the ties between communities across the diaspora, we are proud to present this event as part of our “Bridging the Diaspora” talk series. As we give space and voice to others from different contexts of struggle, we hope that a dialogue of sharing can be facilitated and that we as Baltimoreans can learn from the strategies and messages from activists of the Global South.Jeanette Charles is a daughter of the Haitian diaspora and was raised in working class Los Angeles, CA. She has done extensive work across the Americas focusing on African and Indigenous histories of resistance as well as women, queer, and youth organizing. Jeanette Charles is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela.This event is sponsored by GBAN.
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