Until We’re All Free: A Conversation on the Criminalization of Communities of Color

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Saturday, October 12th 2019
7:00 pm
Red Emma's
Communities throughout America are under attack, on a number of fronts. The state, media, and ordinary people are complicit in the criminalization of people of color, across intersections and in a variety of absurdly cruel ways. An out of control carceral complex and a police-surveillance state unprecedented in history continues to create a punished class of people that grows with each passing year.There is no disputing that we need a new way forward to combat this extensive apparatus–and the mindset that underpins it–that we witness locking children up, separating families, inciting violence, and destroying lives.On October 12th at 7pm, Red Emma’s hosts Until We’re All Free: A Conversation on the Criminalization of Communities of Color. The evening’s panel discussion, facilitated by immigration and reproductive justice activist Alejandra Pablos, will focus on the notion of disposability, and on the dehumanization of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities that has facilitated atrocities past and present. The speakers will discuss their work, and how they and others have been impacted by criminalization, and what can be done to fight it.This event is free, with a suggested donation of $5 to support Alejandra’ #KeepAleFree campaign.

The Panel:Alejandra Pablos is a social justice organizer, activist, and writer working at the intersection of immigration and reproductive justice. She has been targeted by ICE for deportation and is fighting for her freedom. Ale is a proud member of Mijente, Detention Watch Network, National Network of Abortion Funds, and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls. Qiana Johnson is the founder of Life After Release Inc, an organization providing reentry services to formerly incarcerated Prince George’s County residents. She is also a community organizer with the Mass Liberation Project. After her release from prison on August 21, 2017, Qiana immediately started doing work around prison abolition, prosecutor accountability, and ensuring that formerly incarcerated individuals get what they need to succeed.Kasai Richardson is a writer and facilitator with Restorative Response Baltimore, a restorative justice organization working with youth and their communities to disrupt state-sanctioned violence and the school-to-prison pipeline. A lifelong resident of Baltimore City, his work analyzes race, gender, and class in America and abroad, and his essays and reviews have appeared in Salon, Vice, Good, Apogee Journal, Mask Magazine, The Root, Baltimore City Paper, and more.

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Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
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