War on the Docks: Strikes and Struggles of Chilean Port Workers

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Wednesday, October 19th 2016
7:30 pm
Red Emma's
After a vicious military coup in 1973, Chile became a neoliberal test subject of dramatic proportions. The generals and capitalist economists involved developed a brand new constitution to suppress labor activity and to privatize the schools, healthcare system, and other social services. Though thousands of leftists were tortured, murdered, and disappeared, the end of the dictatorship has seen the rise of several combative social movements, including the workers struggle. As an extractive economy, ranked 37th largest in the world, it is heavily reliant on its ports. Several years of militant strikes have not only pushed for a better standard of living for many of the exploited workforce, but have challenged the oppressive labor laws limiting activity. The port workers have been leading this struggle and have been heavily influenced by the Libertarian (anarchist) movement in the country. To this end it has been building a rank and file base from which to fight for class independence from the Socialist and Communist Parties currently leading the government.Nelson Francino Valdes is an anarchist and president of the Federation of Portworkers of Iquique. He has been involved in several struggles/strikes, including a month long national strike in 2014. He is currently Chile's delegate to the upcoming International Dockworkers Council in Miami and is participating in a national speaking tour organized by the Industrial Workers of the World and Black Rose Anarchist Federation. The talk will be in Spanish with English translation.
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3128 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD

Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-9PM
Sunday 10AM-4PM

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