A History of Negro Revolt
C. L. R. James and C. L. R. James
Frontline distribution

By the same author(s)

C. L. R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya, and Grace Lee Boggs
Cyril Lionel Robert James, Anna Grimshaw, Keith Hart, and C. L. R. James
David Austin (Editor), C. L. R. James (Contributor), Walter Rodney, Alvin F. Poussaint, and James Forman
C. L. R. James
Cyril Lionel Robert James, Anna Grimshaw, and C. L. R. James
C. L. R. James (Author)
C. L. R. James, Grace Lee Boggs, and Cornelius Castoroadis
C. L. R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya, and Grace Lee Boggs
Cyril Lionel Robert James, Anna Grimshaw, Keith Hart, and C. L. R. James
David Austin (Editor), C. L. R. James (Contributor), Walter Rodney, Alvin F. Poussaint, and James Forman
C. L. R. James
Cyril Lionel Robert James, Anna Grimshaw, and C. L. R. James
C. L. R. James (Author)
C. L. R. James, Grace Lee Boggs, and Cornelius Castoroadis

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