Dreams & Everyday Life: Andre Breton, Surrealism, the IWW, Rebel Worker, Students for a Democratic Society and the Seven Cities of Cibola in Chicago, Paris & London
Penelope Rosemont
Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company

By the same author(s)

Penelope Rosemont
Herman J. Schuurman, André Thirion, George Woodcock, Tony Gibson, fredy perlman, John Zerzan, Gerry Hannah, Freddie Baer, Ummfatik, Chris Carlsson, L. Susan Brown, E. Kerr, Kevin Tucker, Penelope Rosemont, Kassandra Vee, Hologram, Gavin Mueller, and Luo Huazhong
Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, and Paul Garon
Penelope Rosemont, Don Lacoss, and Michael Lowy
Penelope Rosemont and Michael Lowy
Penelope Rosemont
Ronald B. Sakolsky (editor), Robin D. G. Kelley (introduction), Franklin Rosemont (contributor), Penelope Rosemont (contributor), Guy Ducornet (contributor), Paul Garon (contributor), and David Roediger (contributor)
Penelope Rosemont, Ithell Colquhoun (contributor), Mary Low (contributor), and Suzanne Césaire (contributor)

In our sections

New Left and Civil Rights

On our lists

Mother Jones and Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Peter Rachleff, Carlos Cortez, and IWW
Helen Keller and John Davis
Stewart Bird and Dan Georgakas
Twin Cities IWW
Joyce L. Kornbluh, Daniel Gross, Fred Thompson, and Franklin Rosemont
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Walker Smith, and William Trautmann
Peter Cole (Editor), David Struthers (Editor), and Kenyon Zimmer (Editor)
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