Changing the History of Africa: Angola and Namibia
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Risquet, and Fidel Castro
Ocean Press

By the same author(s)

Fidel Castro and Katiuska Blanco
Paul A. Baran, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Monthly Review Editorial Staff
Fidel Castro, Vilma Espín Guillois, and Elizabeth Kathryn Stone
Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro Ruz, Nelson Mandela, Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui, Moisés Sío Wong, Luis Alfonso Zayas, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Fidel Castro, David Deutschmann, and Deborah Shnookal
Deborah Shnookal, David Deutschmann, and Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro and David Deutschmann
Fidel Castro, Deborah Shnookal, and Pedro Alvarez Tabio
Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro Ruz, Nelson Mandela, Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui, Moisés Sío Wong, Luis Alfonso Zayas, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez

In our sections


On our lists

Salvador Allende Gossens, James D. Cockcroft (editor), and Jane Canning (editor)
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Cintio Vitier, and Aleida Guevara March
Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Mary-Alice Waters
Aleida Guevara March, Richard Gott, Patrick Camiller, and Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Oscar Sola and Fernando D. Garcia
Fidel Castro and David Deutschmann
Deborah Shnookal, David Deutschmann, and Fidel Castro
Oliver Besancenot, Michael Lowy, and James Membrez
Mai Elliott, Mai Van Elliot (translator), and Thị Định Nguyễn
Fidel Castro, David Deutschmann, and Deborah Shnookal
Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro Ruz, Nelson Mandela, Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui, Moisés Sío Wong, Luis Alfonso Zayas, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Mao Tse-tung and Willis Barnstone
Amilcar Cabral and Basil Davidson (introduction)
Azzedine Haddour and Frantz Fanon
Julius Nyerere and Selma James (introduction)
Leo Zeilig (editor), Jean-Paul Sartre (contributor), Kwame Nkrumah (contributor), and Patrice Lumumba (author)
Gregory F. Houston and James Ngculu
Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja
Leo Zeilig (Editor) and Frantz Fanon
Pascal Bianchini, Ndongo Samba Sylla, and Leo Zeilig
Lindy Wilson, Bereket Habte Selassie, Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, and Ernest Harsch
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