Eugene V. Debs: Spokesman for Labor and Socialism
Bernard J. Brommel
Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company

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Labor Studies

On our lists

Mother Jones and Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Peter Hudis, Kevin B. Anderson, and Rosa Luxemburg
Jean Y. Tussey (editor) and Eugene V. Debs
Willy Brandt, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Ferdinand Lassalle, Karl Marx, Karl Liebknecht, Clara Zetkin, and Franz Mehring
Clara Zetkin and Angela Yvonne Davis (foreword)
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, and Rosa Luxemburg
Paul Lafargue, Bernard Marszalek, Fred Thompson, and Kari Lyndersen
Eduard Bernstein, Manfred Steger, and Manfred Steger
William A. Pelz (editor), Howard Zinn, and Eugene V. Debs (introduction)
Victor Serge and Adam Hochschild (Introduction)
Eugene V. Debs and Arthur Schlesenger, Jr.
Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov
Karl Liebknecht, Gregory Zinoviev, Rosa Luxemburg, John Riddell (Editor), Leon Trotsky, and Karl Kautsky
Rosa Luxemburg, Annelies Laschitza, Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and George Shriver
Mother Jones and Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Peter Rachleff, Carlos Cortez, and IWW
Helen Keller and John Davis
Stewart Bird and Dan Georgakas
Twin Cities IWW
Joyce L. Kornbluh, Daniel Gross, Fred Thompson, and Franklin Rosemont
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Walker Smith, and William Trautmann
Peter Cole (Editor), David Struthers (Editor), and Kenyon Zimmer (Editor)
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