Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume 3
Karl Marx, Ernest Mandel, and David Fernbach
Penguin Classics

By the same author(s)

Karl Marx, Ernest Mandel (Introduction), and Ben Fowkes (Translator)
Ernest Mandel and George Novack
Sidney W. Mintz and Ernest Mandel
Ernest Mandel (Introduction), George Novack, and James Patrick Cannon
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Ernest Mandel, and Charles Bettelheim
Ernest Mandel
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
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Karl Marx, Ernest Mandel (Introduction), and Ben Fowkes (Translator)
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Karl Marx, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and Leon Trotsky
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx (introduction)
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In our sections

Marxism, Socialism & Communism
Political Economy

On our lists

Louis Althusser, Fredric Jameson, and Ben Brewster
Paolo Virno, Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito, and Andrea Casson
Clara Zetkin and Angela Yvonne Davis (foreword)
Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Shierry Weber Nicholsen, and Samuel Weber
Thomas F. McDonough, Guy Debord, Michèle Bernstein, Giorgio Agamben, and Mustapha Khayati
Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann, and Rodney Livingstone
John Riddell (Editor), M. N. Roy, Gregory Zinoviev, John Reed, and Amadeo Bordiga
Deborah Shnookal, David Deutschmann, and Fidel Castro
M. N. Roy, N. Innaiah, and Innaiah Narisetti
Pablo Neruda, Jack Schmitt, and Roberto Gonz\xe1lez Echevarria
Jacques Ranciere and Emiliano Battista
Antonio Santucci, Lelio La Porta, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Joseph Buttigieg, and Graziella DiMauro
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Slavoj Zizek, Susan Buck-Morss, and Jodi Dean
Philip Sheldon Foner, Barbara Ransby (Foreword), Fred Hampton, and Kathleen Cleaver
Alexander Vatlin, Larisa Malashenko, Mr. Vadim A. Staklo, and Simon Sebag Montefiore
W. E. B. Du Bois and David Levering Lewis
Karl Marx, Ernest Mandel (Introduction), and Ben Fowkes (Translator)
Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, and Edmund Jephcott
Cedric J. Robinson and Robin D. G. Kelley (preface)
Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro Ruz, Nelson Mandela, Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui, Moisés Sío Wong, Luis Alfonso Zayas, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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