A Dangerous Woman: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman
Sharon Rudahl (Author), Alice Wexler (Foreward), and Paul Buhle (Editor)
New Press

By the same author(s)

Marcus Rediker, Paul Buhle, and Paul Buhle (2601) [33 title(s)] (Contributor)
Gilbert Shelton (Editor) and Paul Buhle (introduction)
Paul Buhle (Editor) and Milton Knight (Illustrator)
Spain Rodriguez and Paul Buhle
Mari Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, John Nichols, Michael Moore, Patrick Barrett, Mary Bottari, Roger Bybee, Ruth Conniff, Gary Dumm, Simon Hardy, Frank Emspak, Ashok Kumar, Tom Morello, David Poklinkowski, Matthew Rothschild, Sharon Rudahl, Charity A. Schmidt, Kim Scipes, and Nick Thorkelson
James Connolly (Author) and Paul Buhle (Editor)
Carl Sandburg (Author) and Paul Buhle (Preface)
Paul Buhle and Edmund B. Sullivan
Dimitrios Roussopoulos, Alice Wexler, Noam Chomsky, Murray Bookchin, and George Woodcock
Mari Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, John Nichols, Michael Moore, Patrick Barrett, Mary Bottari, Roger Bybee, Ruth Conniff, Gary Dumm, Simon Hardy, Frank Emspak, Ashok Kumar, Tom Morello, David Poklinkowski, Matthew Rothschild, Sharon Rudahl, Charity A. Schmidt, Kim Scipes, and Nick Thorkelson

In our sections

Comics and Graphic Literature

On our lists

Nestor Ivanovich Makhno, Volin, and Malcolm Archibald
Pete Ayrton (editor), Luis Bunuel (contributor), Langston Hughes (contributor), Jean-Paul Sartre (contributor), George Orwell (contributor), Arturo Barea (contributor), and John Roderigo Dos Passos (contributor)
Peter Gelderloos (Author)
Philip Sheldon Foner, Albert R. Parsons, and August Spies
Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin and Charles Weigl
alix kates shulman (editor) and Emma Goldman
Dimitrios Roussopoulos, Alice Wexler, Noam Chomsky, Murray Bookchin, and George Woodcock
Alexander Berkman, Henry Bauer, Carl Nold, Miriam Brody, and Bonnie Buettner
Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman
Penny A. Weiss, Martha Ackelsberg, and Candace Falk
Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, and Paul Avrich
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