The Idea of the Avant Garde: And What It Means Today
Marc James Léger
Manchester University Press

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The Idea of the Avant Garde: And What It Means Today
Marc James Léger

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Alfred Jarry and Barbara Wright
Edgar Allan Poe, Raymond Foye, Andre Breton (contributor), and Charles-Pierre Baudelaire (contributor)
Debra Bricker Balken, Jay Bochner, Alfred Stieglitz, Marcel Duchamp, Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Des Moines Art Center, and Terra Museum of American Art
Dawn Ades (editor), Simon Baker (editor), and Georges Bataille
Unica Zurn and Caroline Rupprecht
Andre Breton, Andre Masson, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Rene Magritte, Pablo Picasso, Yves Tanguy, Francis Picabia, and Max Ernst
Isabel Schulz, Josef Helfenstein, Leah Dickerman, Gwendolen Webster, and Kurt Schwitters
Raymond Roussel, John Ashbery, and Trevor Winkfield
Larry Austin, Douglas Kahn, and Nilendra Gurusinghe
Allan Kaprow, Nam June Paik, Wolf Vostell, Dick Higgins, and Alison Knowles
Philipp Oswalt, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Martin-Gropius-Bau (Berlin, Germany), and Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.)
Guillaume Apollinaire and Remy Inglis Hall
Rene Crevel and Robert Bononno
Dawn Ades (Editor), Tristan Tzara, Paul Eluard, Francis Picabia, Kurt Schwitters, Guillaume Apollinaire, Max Ernst, Erik Satie, Virgil Poljanski, and Louis Aragon
Arthur Rimbaud and John Ashbery
V. Vale, William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Michel Surya, Krzysztof Fijalkowsk, and Michael Richardson
Critical Art Ensemble, Steven J. Kurtz, and Brian Holmes
Guillaume Apollinaire, Roger Shattuck, and LeRoy Breunig
Timothy O. Benson (Editor), Éva Forgács (Editor), Tristan Tzara, György Lukács, El Lissitzky, Roman Jakobson, Hans Richter, Stanislaw Kubicki, and Ljubomir Micić
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